6 ways to hide that elastic (or skip it altogether!)

So, if you’re heading out for the night, and deciding how to style your hair, a sleek, chic pony might come to mind… but then, what to do about that elastic that can take your look down a notch?

Fortunately, Glamour has put together a list of 6 ways to hide your elastic or go without it!  Some of them you’ve definitely heard before, like using a barrette or wrapping a strand of hair around it, but it’s definitely nice to see them all here in a nice list.

While some of us ladies with thicker hair might not be able to make the barrette option work, there are still plenty of great suggestions for ways to hide that stubborn, but necessary piece of rubber and cloth.  And as an added bonus, most of these are ways to dress up your pony if you’re just tired of your standard, everyday style!

Check them out here!

Posted: November 13, 2012 by Ellyn Bedi | with 0 comments

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