Get Crazy Great Color- at the Salon

We’ve all heard the horror stories of a friend or relative who got her hair dyed and absolutely hated it.  But we’re here with some tips to help you make sure no-one’s ever telling that story about you.
Understand your coloring- No matter how great a hair color looks on a friend, if they have a different skin tone, chances are, it won’t work so well for you.  The same goes for picking colors from celebrities- if your coloring is similar to Nicole Kidman, Eva Longoria’s hair color probably won’t work for you.  
Understand your texture- One factor that people sometimes overlook is how their hair texture can affect how your hair can handle dye.  Wavy hair can handle up to 6 shades of color lighter or darker than your natural shade.  While, if your hair is straight, you might want to avoid highlights as they will be very obvious.
If you’ve decided that going blonde would be good for you, it’s important to take it slow.  If you try to move too quickly, you can end up doing hard-core damage to your hair.  A full transition from brunette usually takes 4-6 sessions, moving 2 shades lighter per session.
Another important part of having your hair dyed is making sure that your hair is as healthy as possible before you begin, by having it deeply conditioned and freshly trimmed.
One of the easiest ways to end up with a color you don’t care for is by not clearly explaining what it is you really want to your stylist.  A picture is a great starting point, but spelling it out as you would to a friend can go a long way to making sure everyone is on the same page.
With all of these tips in mind, you can be sure to get great color from the salon.  If you’re ready for us to help you get your best color, call and make an appointment!
Posted: June 01, 2012 by Ellyn Bedi | with 0 comments

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