Get Crazy Great Color- At Home

 Last week, we gave you some tips to help you get your best color possible in the salon, but if you’re a Do It Yourself type girl, we have some hints to help you get your at home color looking just as flawless.
One idea that many people don’t think of is to buy more than one box of dye.  Especially if you have long (longer than shoulder length) or thick hair, one box may not be enough, and if you make any mistakes or miss any spots, you will already have a matching box for touchups.
Once you have applied the dye, to help it penetrate better and keep dye from seeping onto your skin, wrap your hair with plastic or a shower cap.
When it comes to Gray- nip it in the bud.  If you’ve spotted a few gray hairs, instead of avoiding it and trying to pluck them out, opt for a semi-permanent dye.  Use it all over your hair, as it is gentle and washes out very gradually.  If you aren’t interested in all over dye and only have a few offending strands, you can choose to apply dye a few strands or a patch at a time, using a tool like a lip gloss wand, or even a hair color marker.
To keep your hair looking freshly dyed and shiny, those color protecting shampoos really can help.  Also be sure to condition thoroughly, as moisturized hair better reflects light.  When it comes to your styling products, be sure they include silicone.
The secret to great color, no matter who does it, is healthy hair.  If your hair has turned green or brassy from the summer sun and chlorine, a purple-tinted shampoo, applied once a week can do the trick.  To prevent these conditions, apply conditioner before you hit the beach or pool to protect it.  If you’ve left your hair crunchy and dry with your high heat styling, a deep conditioning mask, 1-2 times a week can bring it back.
If you’ve managed to create a dye disaster, ending up with a color that you didn’t want, you can tone it down by loading on the conditioner while your hair is still damp, then wrapping it in plastic and a hot towel.  Leave the wrap on for 10 minutes, then apply more heat with your blow-dryer.  Leave the mask on for another 10 minutes, then shampoo and condition.  If this trick still isn’t enough, it may be time to see a pro, like us!
So whether you love a salon dye session, or want to handle it yourself at home, get ready for the best color ever!
Posted: June 05, 2012 by Ellyn Bedi | with 0 comments

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