DIY Braids- Day 7

 Our Final day of DIY Braids is a great one.  This cool braided bun packs a ton of style and combines trends, with braids and a bun.

 To create the style, start with full hair with some grip- a thickening spray and back combing will get your hair ready.  Then, part your hair in the middle and again from ear to ear, giving you 4 sections.  Put the back 2 into a low ponytail.  Then, divide each of those sections horizontally, so you have 4 smaller sections, then braid all 4 sections all the way to the end.  Use your fingers to loosen each braid to give them width and texture.

Now comes the bun.  Rope braid your ponytail (divide in 2 and twist both sections to the right, then twist them together).  Once your braid is done, wrap it into a chignon and secure with hairpins.  Next, wrap your 4 small braids either around the base of your chignon, or all the way around, whichever way you prefer, and you have a gorgeous braided style!

Posted: July 27, 2012 by Ellyn Bedi | with 0 comments

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