Help your Hair Grow Back Faster

We’ve all been there- we go into the salon, ready for change and to rock a short cut, come out with short hair and feeling of deep regret.

Whether you’ve bitten off more than you can chew or been saddled with a stylist who wasn’t listening or competent, having your hair too short can leave you feeling deflated and lacking confidence, and in many cases, the only way to overcome that is to get your hair growing back.

In the past, you might have felt that you had no choice other than to wait and wait, but now, there are several products you can turn to to help accelerate your hair regrowth. has a great article from a woman who found real results after her too short haircut.  Here are some of the products that she found success with:
•    Split End Repairer- to help you get through longer periods without a trim
• Hair Conditioning Mask-  great to use once a week for extra moisture to keep your hair healthy
• A curling iron- for ladies with naturally straight hair, waves can help disguise messy layers, if you have naturally wavy or curly hair, embrace the texture!

You can read the full story here, and remember that these types of incidents can be avoided by being open and honest with your stylist- while we may have suggestions, at the end of the day, we want you to walk out with a style that makes you happy.  If you don’t think we’ve understood you properly, let us know before the appointment is beyond the point of no return…
Posted: January 24, 2014 by Ellyn Bedi | with 0 comments

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