How To Deal With Winter Hair

We all know that the seasons bring different hair problems.  In the summer, humidity can really do a number on our hair, but in many ways, winter weather is even tougher to deal with.  The cold dry air makes hair prone to static and limp.
If static is your bigger problem, here are a few hints to help you deal.  Switching your hair products to formulas with extra moisture to smooth your hair out is a great first step, so is using a deep conditioning treatment once a week.  Another good switch to make is to a silk pillowcase.  If these steps still aren’t wiping out the static, a great sneaky trick is to swipe your hair with a dryer sheet!

If lost volume is your biggest winter hair problem, a great trick can be dry shampoo.  Sometimes the glands on your scalp over-produce oil, which can weigh your hair down and make it look limp.  Dry shampoo will absorb the excess oil and restore volume to your hair.  A layered cut can also help enhance fullness, so call us today if you think that could be a solution for you!

Posted: January 14, 2012 by Bob | with 0 comments

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