A New 'Do Before You Do

Over the last few weeks, we have been giving you advice on the best hair styles for your face shape, but when it comes right down to it, it can be hard to imagine yourself with a new haircut, especially if it’s radically different from the style you’re currently wearing.

MarieClaire.com has taken some of the anxiety out of taking the step to a new hair style.  They have a Virtual Hairstyle and Makeup Makeover Page that allows you to upload a photo of yourself or use a few of the models that they have to see how a cut would look on your face or a face like yours. 

If it’s not a cut but a new color you are considering, there is also a tool to change hair color.  Or if you have a big event coming up, you can also virtually test out makeup trends before you spend the money on products and have to guess if they will work for you.

This site is a valuable tool if you’re ever contemplating a major update for your look, but at the end of the day, we are also happy to provide you with advice and tips to help make sure you look your best!

Posted: January 31, 2012 by Bob | with 0 comments

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