3 B’s to Break You Out of a Winter Rut

Are you fighting a case of the winter blahs?  We've found 3 "Bs" that will have you buzzing in no time!

1. Bronzer-  Almost everyone loves their Summer glow and misses it during the winter months.  Bronzer is a great way to restore some color to your skin without resorting to a tanning bed or risking coming out orange with sunless tanner.  For some people though, the idea of bronzer can be a little intimidating, but the key to making it work is picking an option just 1 or 2 shades deeper than your skin.
2. Braids- To avoid a “schoolgirl” look, grow up your braids by keeping them large and imperfect instead of too perfect.  A great way to get that ‘just enough muss’ look is you put some pomade on your fingers to make sure you can handle your hair. 

3. Bangs-  Bangs have been all over the runways lately, and while some of them may not be everyday worthy, this is a great way to change up your style without having to make drastic changes.  A helpful tip: layered or choppy bangs are a safer bet than straight cut, blunt bangs- they are flattering for more face shapes.

Posted: January 27, 2012 by Bob | with 0 comments

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