Get Expensive Hair, at Inexpensive Prices

We all know the thrill of getting something that look and feels expensive, but wasn’t.  We love getting a designer piece on sale, or a great thrift store find, any great deal on clothes, but what about your hair?  There are plenty of costly products and expensive stylists, but what are the keys for getting your hair to look great without breaking the bank?

Thankfully, Andrea Pomerantz Lustig has written a great book called “How to Look Expensive” and an article for Glamour that spells out how to get expensive LOOKING hair.  You can read the full article here, but here are some of the highlights.

First of all, practice and expect some trial an error.  Like anything worth having, you have to put in some work to master the at-home dye job and the best way to blow-dry, but once you get it, you get it.  In the article, she spells out that blow-drying method, and reveals that a blend of highlights and lowlights are crucial for a quality looking dye job.

Armed with all of Lustig’s great tips, you’ll be ready to get amazing looking hair, and still have cash left over to splurge on that designer piece that isn’t on sale!

Posted: August 21, 2012 by Ellyn Bedi | with 0 comments

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