Are you using the right conditioner?

It’s a well-known fact that conditioning is a crucial part of your hair care, but how can you be sure you’re using the best product for YOUR hair?

While many brands put on the bottles what kind of hair they’re supposed to be best for, if you aren’t sure what issues you need the most help with, chances are, you aren’t making the best choice.

You also might think that the most expensive brands are the best, but according to, that isn’t always the case.  They say there are 5 signs you can look for that might indicate you’re using the wrong conditioner, and here they are:
1.    “Your conditioner doesn't match your stylist's advice”
2.    ” Your hair is colored, and you're not using a color-safe product.”
3.    “You're using volumizing conditioner on big, curly hair. Or, you're using a smoothing one on flat, fine hair.”
4.    “You have dry hair, and you're using a strengthening shampoo.”
5.    “You bought the most expensive conditioner.”

For complete details on each of these signs, read the full article here.  And we’re serious about #1, if you ever have any questions about your hair products or would like a recommendation, we’re happy to help!

Posted: November 22, 2013 by Ellyn Bedi | with 0 comments

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