Fashion Don’ts for a First Date

We all know that first impressions are critical, especially where your love life is concerned.  There’s so much to be nervous about on a first date, the last thing you want to do is make a poor fashion choice that leaves you feeling even more self-conscious and awkward., who has fashion and beauty tips for every occasion it seems, has put together a list of 5 items it’s best to skip on a first date, and we find ourselves in agreement on all of these, so here they are:
  1. Super High Heels- Unless you normally walk around in 5 inch heels, a first date is not the time to bring them out.  Heels themselves are fine, but be sure to stick to a comfortable pair that will let you strut comfortably instead of stumble awkwardly.
  2. Over the top Makeup- While we can certainly appreciate a bold makeup look, on a first date, it’s probably a better idea to let them see a little more of the real you.  This is a big chance to get to know the other person, and if they’re distracted by your insane eyeliner or peacock eyelash extensions, they might not see the real you.
  3. Too Tight Clothes- Generally, we don’t think super tight apparel is a good choice, but especially not on a first date.  If you’re wearing a dress you can barely breathe in, you’ll spend more time obsessing about how you can’t eat or your stomach will stick out and trying to control your breathing so you don’t pass out- not a great mindset when you’re trying to see if someone’s your soul mate…
  4. Complex Hairstyles- We know that pinterest is full of cool and funky hairstyles, but a first date might not be the best venue to debut them.  Without knowing how your date feels about looks in general, you risk alienating them over a style you yourself may not love anyway.  Plus, if it doesn’t hold up like you expect, you may find yourself constantly stressing and running to the restroom to salvage your ‘do.
  5. Sweatpants- This really should go without saying… no one makes their best first impression in sweatpants

So ladies, we hope that we’ve helped make first dates a little less intimidating, and let us know if there’s anything you’ll never wear on a first date again.
Posted: June 28, 2013 by Ellyn Bedi | with 0 comments

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